Respect. You should treat your partner with respect and he should behave the same towards you. You should respect each other when you behave inappropriately in front of others. You should also respect each other when you cry or act angry. You do it because you understand that we all have habits and imperfections. You don’t try to change them into something they are not just because you don’t approve of their behavior. The only situation when you don’t have to respect them is when they mean harm towards you or other people.
Attraction. You shouldn’t be with someone who doesn’t think you are attractive enough to them. Here, we talk not only about physical attraction but also about spiritual and emotional one. Also, you shouldn’t get involved in a relationship with someone who doesn’t feel you are attractive enough for them to be together with you in public.
Similar opinions about finances. You won’t have a healthy relationship if you don’t agree about money. If you have to fight a lot about where to spend your money, if you handle your finances differently, how much money you want to earn, it will for sure create problems. Some people feel uncomfortable when their other halves spend too much money on things which they think are unnecessary and others don’t like it when their partners make them save money. Thus, when it comes to managing your finances, you should be on a similar page if you want to have a lasting relationship.
Similar future goals. Sometimes it happens that we fall in love with people who don’t have the same outlook on life as we do. There is nothing wrong with it. All you have to do is consider whether it is worth being with someone who says they won’t ever want to get married or have kids but you do want all those things. It is better to leave them and look for someone who will have a similar future vision like you.
Accepting the fact that cheating can be both physical and emotional. You don’t have to be close physically to someone in order to cheat. It also means cheating when you have romantic conversations with another person, when you flirt, when you feel warm feelings towards another person. When you do so and think that you behave absolute ok even if you are in a relationship, it makes you a worthless human being.
Family and friends are decent people. Your parents shouldn’t be millionaires or be able to talk about sophisticated topics over green tea and cucumber slices. However, they should be tolerant and don’t judge a person directly to his face when you invite him to meet your parents. It doesn’t mean that your parents or friends should dictate what you date but they should behave like normal and decent human beings.
Wish to have a long-term relationship and being committed to it. When someone tells you that they are not ready for a long-term relationship, you should accept it and don’t try to change it. You should respect their honesty when they tell you they are not ready to commit to you although they like you. If you want to have a serious relationship, the worst thing you could do is to start a relationship with someone who is not on the same page as you are. In this way, you only hurt yourself.
Same entertainment. You should be able to do things together but there are also some hobbies which your partner may not like. For example, when people say that they couldn’t date someone who listens to hip hop while they listen to classic music, it only makes them judgmental and robs of a chance to possibly meet new good people, who have much more to offer than their music taste.
Respecting your and your partner’s exes. It doesn’t look good when you trash talk over your ex in front of your partner. Most of the times they don’t even want to hear anything about them as they want to be the only important people in your life. When you talk about your ex, it only shows that you still hold some grudges and can’t let go. Moreover, you shouldn’t ask your partner to belittle his ex as how can you know that you won’t be the next one?
It is all about honesty. It has been repeated so many times that we have to be honest with people who we love. Being honest doesn’t simply mean that if you don’t cheat, you are a good person. It also makes you honest when you talk about uncomfortable questions, when you show your good as well as bad sides and don’t leave things unsaid, thinking it is not a lie.