How to Spot These 4 Types of Narcissists?

At first sight, narcissists may appear as kind and genuine people because they disguise their real intentions so well. However, they care only about themselves and it is important to stay away from them in order to save yourself from being hurt.

Thus, below is a list of 4 types of narcissists and how to recognize them.

  1. The Know-It-All. These narcissists believe that their opinions are the right ones. They believe that everyone should think in the same way as they do because they know everything. How to spot them? They are usually people at parties who are the loudest and have their opinions about everything.
  2. The Seducer. These narcissists have only one goal – to be admired. Thus, they can do whatever it takes in order for you to like them. And when they get admiration they need, they forget all about you. The easiest way to spot them is to analyze their behavior. Are they constantly giving you gifts and showering you with attention? Do they always insist on paying when you go out together?
  3. The Bully. They are similar to the Seducer type, but instead of wanting to be admired by everyone, these narcissists want to make people be afraid of them. How to recognize them? Such people will pick out some feature of yours and talk about it in such a way that you become embarrassed of it.
  4. The Sexual Fiend. Such people collect their sexual experiences. The more partners they can seduce and then leave, the better they feel about themselves. They don’t want any emotional attachment – all they need from you is sex and they are willing to do everything they can in order to lure you into their trap.

Mindful living